
Showing posts from October, 2019

Bishop Ronald Gainer - Gospel Reflection for October 27, 2019

Bishop Ronald Gainer - Gospel Reflection for October 20, 2019

Bishop Gainer shares why hypocrisy is a constant danger for us in this week's Gospel Reflection.

Bishop Ronald Gainer - Gospel Reflection for October 13, 2019

Bishop Gainer shares why thankfulness is a great and essential virtue in this week's Gospel Reflection.

Bishop Ronald Gainer - Gospel Reflection for October 06, 2019

Increase our faith, the apostles asked Jesus. Bishop Gainer invites you to Mass this weekend to learn of a faith that can move mountains.

Bishop Ronald Gainer - Gospel Reflection for September 29, 2019

We are challenged to recognize the everyday opportunities for serving God and others that come our way. Bishop Gainer invites you to Mass this weekend where our Eucharistic Lord tends to our needs.