
Showing posts from July, 2019

Bishop Ronald Gainer - Gospel Reflection for August 4, 2019

What makes you happy? Come to Mass this weekend and hear in the Gospel the source of lasting happiness. Gospel Jesus Catholic Bible Gainer happiness

Bishop Ronald Gainer - Gospel Reflection for July 28, 2019

Jesus has given us many gifts, including teaching us how to pray. Learn more in the Gospel at Mass this weekend. Pray Gospel Mass Catholic Jesus Gainer

Bishop Ronald Gainer - Gospel Reflection for July 21, 2019

Are you a good listener? It's something that Jesus appreciates in the Gospel at Mass this weekend. Jesus Mary Lazarus Catholic Bible Gospel Gainer

Bishop Ronald Gainer - Gospel Reflection for July 14, 2019

What kind of love do we owe one another? Learn the answer to that at Mass this weekend. Jesus Mass Gospel Bible neighbor

Bishop Ronald Gainer - Gospel Reflection for July 7, 2019

Jesus has shared his ministry with us. As his disciples we can learn about that at Mass this weekend. Catholic Gospel Bible Jesus Bishop